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The world of science has contributed tremendously to the world we live in. It has had significant impact on its social fiber, political-being and you name it. There is no single, unilateral claim that can be made, that science has contributed all good and none bad. There are mixed contributions; from the discovery of drugs, the internet, equipment for all sorts of things and many other and of course the guns, guided missiles, intercontinental ballistic missiles and the like.

Since world wars I and II and the later wars been fought in this century, there has been a clear picture of what science can contribution when it trails the negative path. The aspects of science applied in those aforementioned issues are having a dying effect on the existence of man on the face of the earth. Countries have invested huge sums of money into research. When anyone one hears about that it sounds welcoming, only to discover they are into warheads and armory. Research into technologies and equipment of most superpowers is into gadgets for war and defense. Maybe it makes sense that upon little provocation, many of those nations flaunt their war gadgets in the air and are ready for a showdown. Sometimes they see opportunities to test their technologies in which they have invested so much money.

On a very quick detour, a little away from the prowess of science to help in destruction of tires and relationship among people and nations, is the mending half. Not too long ago, during one of my numerous searches online, I discovered what I think has a big key to create some tires among societies and nations. This is the DNA ancestry project that many have taken up and is increasing in patronage. It was amazing how far the genes of people have scattered and are linked to so many people and geographical areas.

In the ancestry project, one purchases a kit and simply swabs the inner lining of the cheek or just spit into a tube provided and sends it back through post to the lab running this project. I must mention at this point that, the steps enumerated are just a gross simplification of what is essentially done. There are a little more details in the pack when it is purchased though not too technical that it will be difficult to understand. After the sample has been taken and mailed, one anxiously waits for results in some few weeks’ time. Usually, the time for the results to be received depends on whether or not the sample taking was done well, making it easier to run the DNA test and whether there is pressure or not at the lab as regards to the number of kits sent it. No matter how long it takes, it is obviously worth the wait. The results which is received via email is what holds the charm of science. It is what holds the potential peace treaty stronger than what UN may offer in my estimation. What is expected in the results?

The outcome of the ancestry test, reveals where all the genes one carry had come from. It uncovers your ethnic mix, discover distant relatives and finds new details about ones unique family history as well as their migration path. Isn’t it amazing that the test results reveals what might have been lost through the passing on of your family history? This is very possible with the more than 700,000 genetic markers to be analyzed.

Since the inception of this test, many have come to love continents, countries and people they ones hated because the test revealed they had a link to them. Some had higher percentages while others had low percentages for linkage to some geographical areas in the world. Of the numerous test conducted so far, there is a good cause to state that, there are not many who are pure breeds of a nation of geographical area as they may think. If there are not many of those, then it stands to mean that, they are mixed, and this becomes the grounds for discovery and connection. When people get to see themselves that connected, a better bond is likely to form among them which leaves not enough room for hate and war. This discovery in itself holds a big key to peace since no one I can think of would want to hate a country on which his or her DNA are scattered over because they may be relatives of distant connections. No one would want to hate a brother or sister just because they are on another continent. When the energies of love come from the heart of people, it carries stronger forces that treaties ratified on paper by an organization. DNA ancestry has so much potential to cause a change for the better in the way we as people are going.

Bernard Osei Darfour
Photo: Pixbay

About SUMS Vital Signs

Vital Signs is the official publication of Silliman University Medical School
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