Silliman University officially opened the new school year
with an All University Convocation on June 27, 2016 at the Claire Isabel McGil
Luce Auditorium. Students from different colleges including over 200 medical
students and the Dean Conference attended the said event. The new dean of the
Silliman University Medical School, Dr. Walden Ursos was introduced as a member
of the Dean’s conference for the first time.
The outgoing dean of SUMS, Dr. Jonathan Amante, was given a
special award to honor is years of service as dean of the Medical School. The
same award was given to the outgoing deans of the College of Agriculture and
Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Dr. Edwin Cubelo and Professor
Teodora Cubelo respectively.
President Ben Malayayang inspired the students with his
words of wisdom saying that the goal of a Silliman education is not to make
someone to be served, but to make someone who deeply recognizes the presence of
God so he or she can serve and make a difference in the world.
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